Friday, December 23, 2005
Weekly Poem
Sugarplums dance in our heads.
Chimney sliding down.
It all happens tomorrow,
I've been good how about you?
I won't be posting again til January 9th. I'm taking a little respite. And your probably on vacation too and won't be reading see you after the first of the year.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
It Ain't Cold Just Yet
On this day in 1620, Pilgrims stepped off of the Mayflower and onto Plymouth rock. I bet it was cold there.
There are only TEN days left in 2005. If you promised to get something done this year....get busy.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
I Can't Add
And just for a gender jab....all of the women actually do graduate. Like ALL of the women's basketball team graduates, and probably early too. It's just the boys that struggle. Further proof that women are smarter than us. As if you needed further proof.
Monday, December 19, 2005
Strange Time Warp
What happened?? This isn't female basketball. This is the same Orange that has gone whole seasons without winning an SEC road game. And they whup #7 on the road in a runaway?
What's next? The star center gets arrested after crashing his car into Cas Walker's at 2am? The star forward gets arrested for stealing a VCR (maybe a DVD player now)and a flat screen tv from the athletic department?
Thursday, December 15, 2005
I forgot....
Boys: Girls:
1. Elmer 1. Elmerina
2. Cecil 2. Cecilia
3. Jim 3. Jim
4. Bob 4. Mary Ann
5. Jim Bob 5. Ginger
6. Jethro 6. Barbie
7. Grandpa 7. Lucille
8. Hey you 8. Elly Mae
9. Hard Rock 9. Sissy
10. Pardner 10. Sister
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Name That Young'un
If'n you are going to have doubles, the top boys double names are Joshua and Jacob. And folks naming twin girls called them Faith and Hope most often. I figured it would be Yin and Yang, or Thing 1 and Thing 2.
The most popular boys name in Texas (and Arizona) is Jose'. Interesting.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Toy News
Lincoln Logs were invented by Frank Lloyd Wrights son. The average kid colors 30 minutes per day. He/She also wears out about 750 crayons by the age of 10. Mr. Potato Head is not from Idaho as is commonly thought. He grew up in Oregon and only moved to Idaho when his dad had to move for a job transfer. Barbie is the same age as me. Midge colors her hair. Nobody has seen Ken for years. The 3-D ViewMaster was used to train troops during WWII. Tickle Me Elmo was the most popular toy of the 90's. Last year he starred in the Survivor WanaWattoo series. He was the first contestant voted off.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Always Entertaining...
It's all part of our elaborate plan to get the first pick in next years draft. We have to make it look good, then lose. And we want the other teams to really know we won, then we can lose without feeling bad. Get it? It makes for an interesting sports spectacle. Stay tuned next week for our latest innovation.
Friday, December 09, 2005
Weekly Poetry
A big cold blast came last night.
Almost it did freeze.
Holidays are coming soon
Corsicana and fruitcakes.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
New employee

I'm pushing for s to get some Tennessee Fainting Goats. Entertaining and they eat grass too.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Your Hub...
How about them Vols. I just saw where we thrashed Appy State by 8 points! WooHoo!
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
It's a tad chilly...
That makes my teeth hurt.
Monday, December 05, 2005
Texas Squeaks by...
By the hair of their chinny-chin-chin Texas got by Colorado on Saturday. If not for that late fumble it would have been closer. Now it's Rose Bowl time and undefeated USC.
A lot happened on December 5th in history. Let's see...the first native U.S. president, Martin Van Buren, was born in 1782...In 1791, composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart died at age 35....In 1848, President Polk started the Gold Rush of 1849 by confirming that gold had been discovered in California....Walt Disney was born...Republicans chose Newt Gingrich to be the first GOP speaker of the House in four decades in 1994.
Whew, now that's a busy day in History.
Friday, December 02, 2005
Basketball is upon us....
Speaking of real basketball...many thanks to the Lady Vols for shutting up the Longhorns last night. The Texas crowd here kept talking about 4 in a row over the Vols, about Texas' ability to handle the Vols like no other etc etc. I suppose 102-61 erases the misconception that they are on our level...
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Best Quarterback Name
"La Porte quarterback Boogie Anagnostou took the shotgun snap from center, ran 18 yards,...."
That's right, not a nickname, but his real name is Boogie. Unfortunately Boogies team lost last weekend so there won't be a state championship for him.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
The purge begins
Next up: asking the Governor for clemency for three wide receivers we lost....
Monday, November 28, 2005
Best Laid Plans
I see the Big Orange purge has begun. I wonder how the quarterback situation will flesh out before next year.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Pilgrim Hats
Instead of writing a bunch, I'll just hope to see you next week....
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Winter Arrives
And it's cold. Well colder anyway. It sure gets you started into the Holiday mood. Makes me start thinking of all the gifts I want for Christmas. That's the spirit!
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Gophers??? We can't find a more ferocious foe than that? No Wolverines? No Gators? No Wildcats????
You know you've sunk real low when you can't even travel out of your own state and you have to play Gophers. Here's hoping they don't beat us....
Monday, November 14, 2005
NIce Job
The Texans gave the Colts everything they wanted before succumbing 31-14. The fact that we actually scored twice is amazing. We had one game this year that, when you count lost yards on sacks, we gained a net of 7 yards the whole game. So two touchdowns is a big whoop!
Preparing to head North for Thanksgiving. Searching for heavy sweaters in the closets somewhere. Looking for old snowshoes. Skiis are around here somewhere. Wool, where's my wool???
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
I'm not buying anything there...
I've vowed not to shop at stores that put out their Christmas stuff prior to Halloween. Right now it looks like I'll be buying stuff at Walgreens and the used book store.
Met a lady at work yesterday from Knoxville. It was funny cause she was making a pitch to me, describing her company etc etc. I asked her where she went to school and she said Doyle. I told her I grew up in Knoxville on the East Side and she said "I bet you went to Carter". Her buddy with her was from Fountain City. We quit talking about work mostly and just gabbed.
I brought up the Big Orange and was sorry I did. I could tell it was very painful for them both.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Alcoa Struggles but Prevails
The big question do you manage to be good enough to make the playoffs, yet bad enough to lose by more than 80 points? Parity?
Carter battled hard but lost and their now out. A 9-2 season is something to be proud of.
And I found out Jim Bob Cooter hails from Fayetteville Tennessee. Figures. I want to see him throw a pass. It looks doubtful we'll have a large enough lead on anybody for him to see action.
Friday, November 04, 2005
Go Vols Beat Irish
CN closes it's season against Wingate. Will they make the playoffs?
I'm out of pocket in meetings today, they are brutal. Donuts are good though.....
Thursday, November 03, 2005
It Could Be Worse
Here's hoping we get a couple of more wins, then become the last team in the SEC to qualify for a bowl. Then the SEC finally upholds it's committment to send somebody to the Houston Bowl! The Big Orange in the Houston Bowl against anybody!
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Halloween Fun
My wife buys enough candy to feed all of New Zealand. It's good stuff too. Minature candy bars, snickers, M&M's, Bones, Tootsie Pops etc. Can't throw it away.
I suppose it's worth another trip to the dentist or two.....
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
'Bout Time!
Hey, is that Cutcliffe guy still around?
Monday, October 31, 2005
Strange Headline
"Texas pastor electrocuted during baptism
Accident occured when 33-year-old priest reached for a microphone"
It goes on to talk about how he waded into the waist-deep baptistry at University Baptist of Waco when he was electrocuted as he grabbed a microphone. A horrible accident. But....
A Baptist priest? I think not.
Friday, October 28, 2005
When good contests go bad...
So Average Joe (played a little soccer in his day) tried the 20 yard field goal. Kick was short right. AJ tried the 30 yarder, short right. Back up ten and try the 40 yarder. Still short, still right.
Tee it up from 50 out. (Think kick it harder, aim farther left). Kicks...nails it down the middle, pockets $1 million bucks. According to AJ, he was thinking he just needed to try and kick it wide left and let it drift back right. And it did.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
In aint over til it''s over.
Two tickets to the big game....$2,000
Not having to spend winter in Chicago....priceless.
Now we can get back to other things down here in Texas. Like sleeping....
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Now We're Hacked
So don't give up on us yet. Backe pitches to a big win tonight and then we're on our way. Davy Crockett hits a pitch hit homerun in the eighth inning to win it.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Deep in The Heart
Oswalt will be on the mound. Can Roy Wonder pitch a no hitter? Tune in tonight at 7 middle and see....
Monday, October 24, 2005
West Yellowstone News
"-- A tractor trailer hit a moose on Highway 20, near the South Fork. Both parties lost a lot of fluids. The truck's were eventually replaced, but the moose's couldn't be."
And Then Again...
And the Astros are alright. They've been through the last minute homer thingie before. They'll be playing at home tomorrow and we're still looking forward to it. Oswalt will be pitching, a good thing.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Sic 'em boys!
Our Mayor has declared this weekend is officially "NO SOCKS" weekend (starting today) so if you've got socks on get rid of them. Nobody is allowed to acknowledge socks all weekend. Monday will be "I got blisters" day.
Roger pitches a three hitter, Lidge closes, Astros win Game 1 3-1. Then Pettite has an excellent day, Burke homers, Lidge closes on a 4-0 victory on Sunday. 'Stros up 2-0 after the weekend.
The ROT handles the Red Elephants with ease (suprisingly) 31-7. And the upset special of the week: Red Raiders invade Austin, feetballs fly thru the air in huge numbers. Longhorn secondary players collapse from exhaustion. Texas Tech throws a last second touchdown that upsets the Horns in a huge offensive battle 56-48. Wow!
Thursday, October 20, 2005
World Series!
Told ya! What a great game by Roy Wonder and we actually scored a few runs!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
No Sweat
I've got to check all of the feetball standings and scores so I can give you a mid-season update. I was optimistic at the start of the season about being able to comment on all games each weekend. But there is not one source that covers both Fayette County high school, MTSU, UT Chatt, Morehead State, CN, UT and Carter. It'd be nice to push one button and have all those scores pop up. Alas, it takes a whole bunch of buttons to pull it off so I've been remiss. But look for a mid-season update soon.
If you want, you can give me a dump truck full of money and I'd quit my day job and provide the updates.... Not holding my breath by the way. Go Vols.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Take Your Pick
1. Ouch
2. Unbelieveable. First the evacuation crapola and now this!!!??? Send the locusts now and put us out of our misery!!!
3. Hey, I fell asleep last night and missed the game. Anybody catch the score?
As Yogi Bear said it once...It ain't over til it's over...
Monday, October 17, 2005
Astros Fever
My high school Alma Tomater is 8-0 heading into a showdown with last years State Champion Fulton this friday. The Carter Green Hornets beat Gibbs 35-0 to go to 8-0. The paper said Gibbs was fighting for a playoff spot still. Their record is 2-6. Somethings awful wrong when you can be 2-6 and still playoff eligible. Somethings either wrong, or your in the NHL.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Chris Burke Update
Go 'Stros.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Passed Ball Nightmare
As an ump, how do you make that call? Even after you made it you should recognize that it's a goofus call and overturn yourself. You cost the Angels a game on a call I wouldn't make in Little League.
And speaking of Angels. What in the heck is "Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim?". I know I had to put Los Angeles in there, even though you don't play in Los Angeles, just to try and get more bucks somehow. And I know the New York Giants don't play in New York either. BUT...I'm cheering against you just cause you have a goofus name. So you probably deserved the passed ball call as penance.
Here's hoping the Chicago White Sox of Chicago whup you. And then the Houston Astros of Houston will beat them in the World Series.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Strange Letter to the Editor
Go here
If'n you can't read it cause it requires a i.d. or something, then look in today's Knoxville News Sentinel. If'n you don't get the News Sentinel, trust me it's strange...
And of course...Go Astros.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Thank You Chris Burke
Now for my gripe. All of the papers and announcers have been calling it a "walkoff" homer. I don't know what that means. It used to mean a home run that was hit so far that you walked down to first base as you watched it go over the wall. Burke's homer landed about two rows deep, which is not far enough to casually watch it as you walk to first base. Every homer that goes over the fence these days is a "walkoff" homer according to the news media. Just because it isn't "walkoff" doesn't mean it wasn't great either.
So get off this "walkoff" kick. Two rows deep ain't it. Hit the train tracks and you can walk.
Friday, October 07, 2005
Look for the Big Orange to roll this week. At my meeting in the Nations Capital this past week, one of the participants from Florida was a Georgia Bulldog in disguise. He had his cell phone ringer set on the Georgia Fight Song for my benefit. He would let it ring once a day just for me. I'm going to e-mail him on Saturday when we wrap it up so he knows I haven't forgotten. Please win.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Getting Darker Sooner
I don't know about where you live but in my parts its getting darker a lot
earlier than just a week ago. I thought our elected officials were going to
put a stop to that? Didn't they pass a bill this summer requiring the sun to
stay up longer? We need to hold their feet to the fire.
I'm getting my hdtv hooked up this week. It was delayed because of hurricane
Rita. Finally I will be entering the 20th century and getting out of the tv
maseozoic era.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Poor Georgia...
Astros won the wild card on the last day of the season and might surprise some folks in postseason. Clemons, Pettite and Oswalt, with Lights Out Lidge as closer. If we can buy a run we have a chance. I know the Jeff City crowd is behind us, particularly one Biggio wearing girl.
And this morning I got to experience another Texas legend. This is Red River Shootout week, culminated by Texas-OU at the Cotton Bowl on Saturday. For myself, I took the garbage out this morning and proceeded to somehow cover myself in fire ants in the process. None of them bites til one of them bites. Then they all bite in unison. Pesky little critters.
I'm on the road this week, expect odd reporting (if that isn't already your expectation).
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
How Prepared Are You?
Almost as irritating was Geraldo covering Rita when he talked about being at the Sabine Pass. He said "Sa-bine'" like it looks but it's pronounced "Suh-been". Surely someone on his staff knows how it's pronounced. Its not a big deal, but it makes you wonder about whether they did their homework on other things too.
That's the end of today's English lesson. Adios.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Best Evacuation Story So Far....
"Let me begin with Noah's Ark leaving NASA Rd. 1. Noah's Ark is what we called our convoy of 4 vehicles. 8 people and 9 pets (3 ferrets, 3 dogs, 2 cats, and 1 chinchilla) set out for a lovely ride into the countryside. But wait….everyone else had the same idea. It took our little convoy from 5pm Wednesday to 3pm Friday to get to Dallas.
Their was yelling and screaming all along the way. We stopped for the night at a gas station in Conroe. Luckily we found a pump free and we parked in it till the gas station opened the next morning. We saw a McDonald's 1/2 a mile away and decided to walk (as to not lose our place in line) to get some food. We arrived only to see that the drive thru line was the only way to get food as it was about 1am. They would not let walk-ups order so we walked back and got the last car in line at the pump to go retrieve food. As you would expect the line was long. We finally got our order after waiting 1 1/2 hours, and oh yeah it was all wrong of course. We asked for our correct order and they told us we would have to go back in line to order again.
We walked back to our Ark and split the food as best we could. Finally we got some sleep at about 3am. At 5am the police had to escort a tanker of gas to fill up the gas station. They yelled for everyone to get up and clear the parking lot to get the tanker in. Yep you guessed it we lost the perfect spot in line. By the time the stationed opened there had to have been at least 500 people waiting to get gas. Most of the people were walk-ups holding anything that would hold gas. As soon as the station opened the walk-ups swarmed the pumps and all went into chaos. The Police broke up fights and arrests were made. Finally some order was found and we received gas and were on our way again.
After 46 hours of driving and (language deleted) on every tree, bush and curb we could find we finally made it to our destination. The smell of all the animals, trash, and ourselves in our vehicles nearly knocked us unconscious for the next 2 days. Then it was the trip home to worry about. Happily the trip home only came out to be 9 hours. I will never complain about traffic again.
And I do think Eric Ainge can be a better quarterback but that was an awful first half he had. Clausen did what needed to be done. He played a ton smarter than Ainge, didn't make big mistakes and led us to an incredible victory. We looked pitiful in the first half but it was really the offense's fault. I though our defense looked pretty good again.
I was ready for us to crumble a number of times but we didn't. By the way, what was Ainge thinking on that sling out of the endzone????
We'll, at least my homecoming worked out ok. That game may have salvaged the season.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
The succesful people from San Antonio today went south to Corpus Christi, then headed north to Houston. That's kinda like going to Knoxville from Chattanooga by going thru Nashville. Not exactly a direct route, but it was moving. Gas is another thing you always assume will be available. Not so in Houston. Yesterday there was none to be found. Today stations are starting to open. Imagine not being able to find a gas station with gas in all of Knoxville, nor anywhere between Knoxville and Chattanooga. Now imagine Knoxville isn't 400,000 people, it's 4 million people and the 4th largest city in the U.S. The 4th largest city in the US and no gas at all. Quite incredible.
The stories from the evacuation are really sad, weird and strange. One fella headed towards Dallas, got stuck in traffic for 24 hours, ran out gas and slept in his car. The next morning folks from the closest town brougght him scrambled eggs and gas. Then his alternator went out. His son then drove down from Dallas and picked him uo and they both went back to Houston. 39 total hours straight in his car.
One friend that arrived at the hotel here with us spoke of having to stop on the interstate and pee in the woods along with thousands more since no stores or gas stations were open. Fun.
It could be worse. The storm could've actually hit us. We're thankful.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Feeling Better
The storm jogged a little north which means a lot better situation for me. Instead of a category 5 it appears I will get more like a 1 or 2 at the house.
Our riedout team at work abandoned ship. Another local fireman I talked to yesterday said that the Astrodome was their Alamo. Which meant as the storm grew bigger and they decided to abandon ship they were supposed to make their way to the Dome.
Glad I'm in San Antonio.
Wait and see.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Full Panic Mode
The very long range forecast always changes. You just never want to be a little east or west of the long range target. There's always a little jog north, or left, or across or up, that catches everyone by surprise. So if you are in the crosshairs early you're pretty safe late.
At least that's what I'm banking on.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Big News in Knoxville
First, when have you ever heard of a new mortuary holdng an open house and giving away prizes? Is it normal to have a party at a mortuary? "Come on in and stay awhile????" Do they serve food? What were some of the other prizes? Season passes?
Secondly, who would go to one of these events? I've never been invited to one, but not real sure I'd go if asked. How bored do you have to be to go to an open house at a new mortuary? Was the local paint drying competition too expensive a ticket?
Third, don't look a gift horse. Momma's old TV was not black and white, but was what they call First Generation Color. It only had two colors...yellow and blue. Boise States home field looked fine, but everybody else looked like they were playing in Idaho too. So I don't know why she attended the mortuary party but I'm glad she went, and made it back out.
New TV. WooHoo! Anybody know of any other new funeral homes opening???
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Look for me on TV!
Analyzing the Sagarin Ratings
Oddly, Penn State is 64th. That might not sound too out of whack since they haven't been particularly good lately. But it puts them behind football powerhouses Toledo (47th) and Bowling Green (57th). It also sinks them behind Baylor (50th). Baylor for goodness sakes.
If the Big Orange ever falls below Baylor, I'll convert to Catholicism and cheer for Notre Dame. Honest. And I'll learn the real way to spell Catholicism too.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Post from afar
I'm in Utah this week and its cold. That's right, its cold. Its a strange
feeling to be in the upper 90's one day and awake in the 50's the next. Its
not bad mind you, just strange.
This weekend is a big one for the big orange. Win and you are on your way,
lose and you fall back into the pack of almosts. One game sets the stage for
the rest of the season. But, that's what makes colllege feetball unique and
great. Each week is do or die in the race to be champions. Its awesome. Now
if we can just beat Florida.
Monday, September 12, 2005
Go Horns
But the Longhorns looked real good.
My home high school alma tomater is 3-0 and really hot. If we can get the Vols psyched up to beat the Gators this weekend, life will be real good.
I'll be posting remotely this week so posts may be spotty. Just warning you in case you count on this info to brighten up your mornings....
Friday, September 09, 2005
Burnt Orange Weekend
So please cheer for Texas cause life will be miserable if they lose.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Big Weekend Upcoming
Occasionally this works. Occasionally it makes the girls cry. Frequently it makes me hoarse. I haven't found any other theories yet that work better. Of course we practice stuff, but that never seems to make it to the actual game.
I am trying one new innovation this year. Since most of the good soccer is played by teams that speak Spanish, I now communicate my shouted instructions in Spanish. I told the girls it sounds more like real soccer, and maybe it would intimidate other teams that didn't speak Spanish. So now I scream "UNDULAY UNDULAY, CRUSA CRUSA!" from the sidelines and they ignore me in two languages.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
The Real Orange Team Impressive?
Morehead State won, but I haven't checked yet on Chattanooga or CN. Let's assume they won and we're all undefeated so far. Better dumb and happy than informed and miserable.
And I was succesful enough on the virus or spyware to be able to post again. I will attack it again tonight with other programs. Wish me luck.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
2 Things...
And, last Friday I did a one day trip to Mississippi. Lots and lots of trees down, telephone poles, water everywhere, shingles everywhere, trash everywhere etc. And that was in an area that wasn't damaged that much.
And you know how poor the people of Mississippi were?....they're a lot poorer now.
Friday, September 02, 2005
Weekly Activity Report
refugees galore.
Cleanup efforts begin now.
Tennessee over UAB
Is how I see us starting.
P.S. Good news. We got eyeballs on her townhome yesterday and it is still standing, albeit in unknown condition. Standing is good. No trees exist. Girl got enrolled in our school. Just takes time now.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
On a serious note..
So far, she's been able to contact friends in Lafayette sporadically, but hasn't been able to hear squat about how her neighborhood fared. From the internet we've ascertained that perhaps the flooding wasn't as bad on the north side of the lake. We're hoping friends from Lafayette will be able to sneak in and take a glance at her townhome just to get an idea of how it looks.
I contemplated making a run with her this weekend, but still the roads are iffy. There's no gas, no electricity, no food or water. You'd have to gas up somewhere like Baton Rouge (after a 5 hour trip), go into Madisonville (if you can), look around, sleep in the truck most likely (no hotels) depending on how the townhouse looked, and then head back the next day. A tough long trip with iffy possibilities. Officially, her Parish is closed, so I don't know even if you'd be allowed to drive in.
Here in Houston, the refugees are arriving in droves. Hotels are all full, shelters are packed, new shelters open constantly (like the Astrodome), and lots of people have houseguests. We are working with our two other work locations and are only able to contact them through satellite phones.
Our guests are fine, except for livng with the constant worry of how things are or might be. And her two cats are a source of constant entertainment.
It's an immense tragedy. Immense.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
That's Not Funny...
Well, she thought me calling myself the big orange was rather funny and figured I was a little confused. She repeated her question with a smirk and I repeated my answer. Then she said are you sure. I said si'.
Finally, someone else in the class figured it out and said it in English and then the teacher figured it out. I suppose she didn't think I could be that clever cause usually I was "finale muerto" (dead last) in all the contests.
Monday, August 29, 2005
Stormy Monday

Thinking of folks along the coast fixin to get pasted by Katrina. We have a site right where the eye is going, and I'm hosting friends from New Orleans who bailed day before yesterday.
Unrelated, we had a festival this weekend and got hit by a microburst. It looked like Godzilla stomped on our little canopies.
Friday, August 26, 2005
The Week in Poetry...
He claims there's no truth.
French test fluid from ninety-nine.
Monsuier, who can you believe?
A Texan, or the French? C'mon!
Thursday, August 25, 2005
For instance...if you want your kid to play feetball before junior high you have to get up in the morning around 2am and go wait in line to sign up. Some camp out. All of the little league feetball teams and junior high teams are required to run the same offense as the high school teams so as to be fully versed in the schemes when they hit the high school scene. That's why a high school coaching change is a big deal.
The stadium seats about 12,000 and has artificial turf. The new kind that looks like real grass. Three teams use the stadium...Clear Creek, Clear Lake, and Clear Brook. All are in the same district. So you can have a Thursday, Friday and Saturday night game on the same weekend. The district below us (south) includes powerhouses La Marque and Texas City.
In our playoff scheme we have large 5A and small 5A. Your district champion goes to the large playoff and the runner-up goes to the small 5a playoff. So you have two state champions in 5a. In the district below us, LaMarque beat Texas City (Texas City's only loss) and LaMarque went big and Texas City went small. Both went on to win State Championships. So two teams, half a mile apart, were able to whup the whole rest of the state.
Anyway, it should be fun (at least until Texas City and LaMarque show up on the schedule).
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
The Big Orange, on the other hand, is ranked third in the country in college feetball and 13th in the country as a party school. How can a dry campus be 13th in party? Somebody's not following the rules.....
But the biggest news today is...Tennessee is 5th in the nation in obesity! WooHoo! The Big (no pun intended) Orange trails the country's fattest state Mississississippippi.
Alabama, Louisiana and West Virginnny are close behind the Rebels. C'mon, we can do better than fifth! Eat 'Mo Possum! Eat 'Mo Fried Possum, with gravy.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
High Expectations
West Yellowstone shenanigans.....
Monday, August 22, 2005
The time is near...
Is it LCD flat screen? Plasma? Rear projection flat screen? Overhead projector? Or tubular? There are way too many options for the average person to figure out. Maybe I'll just close my eyes and point to the latest circuit city ad.
Here's hoping I can get it up and running before the weekend.
Friday, August 19, 2005
The week in Tanka...
Bones, fell off her horse who cares?
Big Orange football is
Cranking up to fever pitch!
At least til we lose a game.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
The one you've been waiting for...
But...I see a team that squeaks by a couple of big games, gets a little lucky, and then gets invited to the Rose Bowl as a big underdog, a lucky team, an undeserving team, play USC for the National Championship. Texas will have lost to Oklahoma to knock them out of the picture.
And how do we do in the big game? A blowout win by the Big Orange when we show the left coast that beating an SEC Team is a lot different than beating teams with killer nicknames like "Ducks" and "Cardinal" (no S, it's the color not the bird).
So sit back and enjoy another National Championship ride. Go Vols.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Morehead State University
Expect big things from the Eagles who are rated 8th in the pre-season Mid-Major poll, rebounding from last years disappointing 6-6 finish. Passing, running and punting will be much improved and blocking might even be a little better.
When asked for a quote on this year's prospects my other half replied "You know Phil Simms don't you? He played at Morehead when I went there. I used to see him walking to class. Nobody really thought he was that good. We weren't real good at football. He's very famous you know. And he went to Morehead." When pressed for a comment on this year's prospects, or other players who've played at MSU, she continued "Phil Simms played for the Giants. You know him don't you? He was probably the best quarterback ever in the NFL don't you think? He's an announcer now you know...."
Go Eagles.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Muhr-Vul Rebels
Muhr-Vul beats Aluminum Foil again this year, and then goes on and wins another state championship. No matter what you hear about new coaches, or no experience, or crabgrass on their home field, they will still win it all. Like usual. Ho-hum.
The big thing they've got going for them this year????? Carter has moved out of their district. So no worries about the Green Bees upsetting them. Could life be any easier for the Rebs?
Monday, August 15, 2005
Carter High Green Hornets
There is one back-to-back nightmare in the schedule. September 9th is a game against Cocke County. No word on how many fans were caught up in the recent chicken fighting scandal. Then it's on to Pigeon Forge and the Fightin' Pigeons. Both should be tough, tough games and a real test of our team.
Could it be a 3a Crown for the big Green this year? A State Title perhaps? Stay tuned....
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Friday, August 12, 2005
Lincoln County Falcon Preview
The first big test will be on TV when the Falcons travel to Murfreesboro to play Riverdale in mid-September. Mark it on your calendar.
As always, Lincoln County Falcon football can be heard on The Falcon Radio Network. Jack Atchley along with Don “Worm” Dickey, Donnie Honey, and Shawn Honey (now that's a stellar lineup of announcers!) will cover all the action. Remember to get the latest updates by going to or tuning in to WYTM 105.5-FM.
Falcon Football is brought to you by the good folks at Fayetteville Public Utilities, providing incandescent lighting to rural outhouses since 1935.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Carson-Newman Football Preview
Season opens on CSS TV August 27th against Shaw, whoever that is.
The only dark spot in this season will be whether CN has to play their home games at Carter Municipal Stadium since Burke-Tarr stadium is only about half finished and the end of August is fast approaching. Lawn chairs might be a good accessory for this years games. Hopefully they'll pick up the pace and get that stadium finished (and allow a little time for the concrete work to cure).
Go Eagles, easily the class act of their conference.
Middle Tennessee State U Football Preview
MTSU is located one mile from the geographic center of Tennessee. So it really should be alled RCTTMTSU (Real Close to the Middle Tenn State U).
First in the Sun Belt, best team in the middle of Tennessee.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
University of Chattanooga Mocs Football Preview
WHAT? Run the ball? Yep, control the clock a little, rest the defense a little, and score a few less. But, the goal is to get "points allowed" stat down to below 20 and keep the "points scored" stat nearer 30. And reverse the 2-9 record to about 9-2. Can they do it? Yep. Tennessee Tech will be a good opening barometer on September 3rd, and another important contest is Wofford on October 1st.
Summary: Worst to first in the Southern Conference in one year. Go Mocs.
Tomorrow: Will CN actually have a stadium to play in?
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Normal Returns...
Expect to see a shift in reporting starting soon as the 2005 Sheeps College Football Preview Edition hits the web. I'll be previewing all 217 teams, 53 conferences, 32 divisions and the wild card race. Then it'll be on to Division II, Division III, Division MCXMLVVV, and then six-man flag football. Heck, I might even throw in a word or two about Carson-Newman and The University of Tennessee at Lookout Mountain (Chattanooga U? ChattaU? University of Southern Chattanooga? Chickamauga State U?...I forget what it's called). For nephews sake, The Midwestern Tennessee State University at Murphysburg will be covered as well.
Coming soon....
It's now tomorrow...
Fortunately, my office chipped in to furnish the coffee club with Starbucks beans, which we grind for good coffee. So at least I'm not drinking Dunkin Donuts coffee at 3:30am. It appears to be another long day in front of us. Oh well, thems the lumps. It'll be safely back sometime this morning, somewhere in America.
Monday, August 08, 2005
I'm Velly Sleepy...
I get to do it again tomorrow morning!!! WooHoo!!
Friday, August 05, 2005
Weekly Tanka Wrapup
Was good to see everyone.
Golf was good, mostly.
"Dukes" arrived in theatres.
What's next, "Hounds of Hooterville"?
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Golf Course Odditties...
I'm Back
Friday, July 29, 2005
Pine trees galore
Mississippi surely has more pine trees per square inch than any other place
on earth. I am rolling along a very smooth blacktopped interstate looking at
nothing but large pinecones. Alabama's next, then Georgia, then finally Big
Orange Country. As with many things in life, have a little patience and
it'll happen. Sorry, have to look at the road again.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Road Trip
Therefores, postings to this blog may be intermittent, or they may be done telephonically thru some fancy new technology that allows me to call a 8 hunnert number and then it posts my message somehow. I should probably test that system afore I take off, but I may not have time. I may also e-mail some posts during my travels.
So you may not see the very high caliber formatting that you are used to for the next few days. But don't fret, it'll all revert to normal in a few days. Hopefully when I get back I'll have a whole slew of good pictures to share. So if I see may be the next subject of a post!
And, of course, we did get uphill earlier today. WooHoo!
We're Almost There...
Monday, July 25, 2005
Bigger than Star Wars...

The biggest news of the Summer happens next week when the long awaited and critically acclaimed "Dukes of Hazzard" movie premieres. It's always a little risky when you take a long-running, financially successful, critically acclaimed, award winning Broadway play and try to adapt it to the big screen. But if anybody can pull it off, then Johnny Knoxville, Jessica Simpson, Stiffler, Burt Reynolds, and Willie Nelson are the ones that can do it. Have you ever seen a more star-studded lineup than this one? Incredible.
I'll be in my "General Lee", camped out all night for tickets. That's it above. (Now that I think about looks a little more like Starsky and Hutch...)
Friday, July 22, 2005
A new member of the family...
This Week in Tanka...
Is playing ball in Greenville.
Texas, Tennessee.
Astros whupped Washington.
Today is Bob Dole's birthday!
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
West Yellowstone Crime Log
"The same Hayden Street caller from the day before reported this time that her husband had shot her in the head, and then pulled the bullet out with a pair of pliers. She did not give her address. The woman was eventually arrested for disorderly conduct." (I bet that hurt).
"Police were informed that two tour guide vans had been vandalized. In one case a can of clams had been thrown all over the vehicle's windshield." (Oh, the attack of the clam throwers!)
"A gentleman found a neighbor's dog that had wandered off, and tied it up. He tried to call the owner but couldn't reach her. The dog's name was "Hey You." (The owners name was "Hey Mister")
A woman was suffering from inflamed ant bites. She was from Texas. (Naturally...)
The whole report can be found here.
Monday, July 18, 2005
Soccer is Popular in Texas!
"TYLER — At least four people were injured Sunday in a brawl involving two adult soccer teams and spectators at a Tyler park. Authorities said one man was cut with a beer bottle and another was beaten with a baseball bat.
Witnesses said the fight, which involved nearly 100 people, started while a Tyler team called Real Madrid was accepting a championship trophy. Real Madrid member Junior Perez said the situation erupted after a teenage girl began arguing with two older women.
Carlos Perez, another Real Madrid player, said members from the losing Alcones team retrieved five aluminum bats from their cars and began striking other vehicles during the brawl.
Tyler Police Sgt. Robert Plymail said the man who was cut with the beer bottle drove a pickup truck into a sport utility vehicle. Plymail said he will be charged with reckless driving."
It continued from there....
Friday, July 15, 2005
Roger's Boy Coming to TN
"The Houston Astros announced today that they have agreed to terms with infielder Koby Clemens, the club's eighth-round selection and 254th pick overall in the 2005 Major League Baseball First-Year Player Draft and the son of ace Roger Clemens. Koby Clemens will begin his professional career with the Greeneville Astros, the organization's Rookie League affiliate in Greeneville, Tenn., where he is expected to play third base.
Clemens batted .523 (56x107) with 10 home runs, 14 doubles, a triple and 55 RBI for Memorial (TX) High School this year. He posted a .953 slugging percentage and .617 on-base percentage, scoring 39 runs and stealing five bases. On the mound, he finished 8-3 with a 3.17 ERA and 86 strikeouts, holding opposing batters to a .203 average. He tossed three no-hitters and four complete games, and Clemens was named the Most Valuable Player for District 18-5A. "
Please be kind to Rogers' boy. He's a good kid.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
News From The West...
This has been your important news flash from the wild west today.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Look for me on TV
I'll be watching the activity in our big auditorium on big screen with big sound. Usually the media hangs on outside the doors to get a reaction. I'll be the guy in the background in the suit....
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Drugs Work
Much better I'm sure than the two kids who had to ride in the trunk of the car from Alabama to Virginia. Police are arresting this woman who was taking five kids to her ex-husbands house in Virginia. They wouldn't all fit in the car, so she had a couple of them take turns riding in the trunk. My momma has made me do some strange things before, but I don't think she would ever ask me to ride in the trunk (at least not for 8 hours).
Your momma ever ask you to do anything crazy?
Monday, July 11, 2005
Fortunately I found a doctor who would see me today and he gave me some drugs and it appears they will work. I think the doc's from Mexico cause he made me pay in cash. And he operated out of the back of a taco truck to boot. As long as the drugs work, I don't care.
So sorry to be off-line so long. I'll refund a month's subscription for each of you.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
West Yellowstone Crime Report
-- A gray poodle named Smoky was placed in the town pound. (Eegads! Ole Smoky has been cross dressing and hiding out as a poodle! Phone home Smoky! We still love you!)
-- A man called to report that a female acquaintance had been vomiting every 10 minutes for the past five hours. She chose not to be treated by EMT's. (Yikes! You do the math! Every 10 minutes for 5 hours!??? She's launched 30 meteor showers in only 5 hours! What's that girl been eatin?)
-- An employee reported the theft of 300 to 500 quarters from the laundry room of a large motel. (Please read the next report...)
-- Guests were stuck in a motel elevator. (Hmmmm, they didn't happen to have overloaded the elevator with heavy change did they?)
You can read the whole report here.
Technical Difficulties...
How long til Lance Armstrong wears the yeller jersey? That's all the sports news people care about down here. Lance, Lance, Lance. Hey look, Lance is eating. Hey look, Lance has a girlfriend. Hey look, Lance just passed a hunnert people on his bike.
He's a machine, and will win his fourteenth Tour De Lance here shortly. It'll be nice when he retires so we can hear something about the Astros for a change. We'll, maybe not.
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Work Languages
Today's word is LOS (pronounced L..O...S...not loss). It stands for Loss of Signal, a condition when a satellite, or space station etc. is located in such a place that the signal from the ground is lost. Usually for a short period of time, like 5 minutes.
In everyday slang use, you say "Sorry, I just went LOS on you". This means you weren't realy listening or didn't hear what was just said. If you have a disagreement between two groups you say "I just think they went LOS on this subject", which of course means neither was really hearing what the other said, and couldn't reconcile the difference.
So there you have it. Use at will. Just don't go LOS on me. And please feel free to share your special languages, particularly if they'll make me appear less nerdy.
Monday, June 27, 2005
Another title for Texas
How about that Formula One race last weekend!? Wouldn't you be happy if you paid real money for tickets, a flight to Indianapolis, a hotel room, hot dogs etc, just to see 6 cars go round the track? It would be a long, cold day somewheres before I'd go see another F1 race if it had happened to me.
And the Cocke County cockfighters head to court today. We'll follow all the turns in this riveting story, including the trials, the media circus, the Bronco chase, Neverland, oops....mixing up my famous trials a litttle.
Friday, June 24, 2005
Weekly Wrapup in Tanka...
Big Orange was gone early, huh?
Didn't expect much.
San Antonio is champs!
League that nobody watches.
Thursday, June 23, 2005
New Tenn License Plates!
How about...
- "Tennessee, 5 Million People, 15 Last names"
- "So Many Recipes, So Few Squirrels"
Got any better ones? Submit them to me and I'll send them to Nashville.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Open Mike Problem Again...
Gov Rick went over and sat down for a different interview, and during his prep for that he repeated the reporters comment, then added "Adios MoFo". A very nice mix of Spanish and English don't you think. My only issue with it was it was heard by the reporters and later he apologized to everyone over and over. I wish sometime they'd just let it stand. I think it accurately reflected his feelings.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
You Know You Have a Crime Problem When...
There's some poor teenager driving around out there right now in the 1999 Crown Vic with no idea the whole force is looking for him. And that's another thing. You know you have budget problems when the Police Chief is driving a 1999 Crown Victoria. That's a 6 year old car. Nothing newer than that available? Or did he think an older car was less attractive to thieves?
Monday, June 20, 2005
Newport Folks Aint Dumb...
At the other site (which was bought for $20,000) over $2 million dollars was wagered one evening. That takes a lot of ciphering to keep straight. Sounds like a profitable business to me.
Friday, June 17, 2005
My Thoughts on Educashun...
When my oldest was approaching firts grade my pardner was worried that he might be behind. I told her he couldn't be behind. It was physically impossible. It was first grade. By the laws of physics he would be equal to all of the rest. By the end of the first week he could be no farther than one week behind.
It reminded me of my first day in Introductory Spanish at the Unisee of Tenniversity. The teacher walked around the room saying "Hola, como se lama" or something like that to each student. They then each answered with something like "Mi yama es Earl, gracias". When she got to me I said "If'n I understood what you said I wouldn't be in Introductory Spanish". It didn't sit too well with Senora Teacher and obviously my Spanish skills didn't stick.
The point being, let kids be kids. I don't want my kindergartner having to worry about being able to read on a 5th grade level. There will be plenty of time for that when he reaches high school.
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Answering the mail...
I read a lot in my job and sometimes things just strike me funny. Maybe I look at things with a different slant than most folks, I dunno. But I'll read something, and then do a double-take. "Did I just read what I thought I read?". Then the funny thought hits me and I catalog it for future articles. Other times, really crazy crap happens that is just too good to pass up. Those are the genesis for the "can you believe it" articles. Also I keep some staples going, such as the Thursday Sheeps, the Friday poetry wrapup, etc.. That makes it easier to figure out what kind of material to write for the day. A little focus helps a lot.
And of course, on days when there is really no material at all, I answer e-mail questions.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
College Baseball Update
And a followup to yesterday's news report on the 144 people who were arrested at a cockfight near Newport Tennessee. To all of the people who were surprised to find chicken fighting near Newport...It's in Cocke do you think it got it's name....????
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
My favorite quote came from the FBI who said you can't let an operation like this go on, when you find out about it you just have to put a stop to it. Later in the article the Del Rio chicken pit was described as a staple in the community for 60 years. It took 60 years to get a warrant? Of course not, the pit had been raided at least twice before, once resulting in 400 people being cited.
What might surprise you, cockfighting is legal in New Mexico and Louisiana. Wouldn't that be a hoot for a Friday night out? A great place to take your wife for her anniversary. "Honey I have a surprise for you, we are going gambling on our anniversary!" She's all pumped about the flight to Vegas when you pull up to the chicken pit.
Who doesn't think the cockfights in Del Rio aren't back on by this weekend? As a side note, a Cocke County politician ensured that cockfighting would only be a misdemeanor. He couldn't be reached since he's in prison for two years on a drug distribution charge.
Monday, June 13, 2005
The King's English
Go ahead and buy your ticket to La Paz Mike. I think you're on your way...
Friday, June 10, 2005
We made the news!
Later, the police figured out that this fella might've been involved in some chainsaw murders of some of his former friends. So where do I come in?
"In state court the next day, the suspect told a judge he is affiliated with NASA."
Please keep him. We'll make do without him.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Michael Jackson checked back into the hospital with back pains. Here's hoping he's late, and in his Disney jammies, for the verdict.
"Sheeps" has viewership from many regons of the US. So far I can count Chattanooga, Knoxville, Jefferson City, Fayatteville, and Worcester Massachusetts in the mix. I realize that Massachussettans may find some of the material immaterial, or at best, mildly odd. I'll try to input more information in the future that appeals to them. Here's a stab...
No Kennedy's have acted up this past week. WooHoo! The Red Sox are still champions til October. Woohoo! The snow is now sufficiently gone enough to actually drive all the way to the Red Lion Inn. Woohoo! The South hasn't seceded lately! Woohoo!
There. That makes me feel better.
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Thanks for your suggestions
I can't wait for the Michael Jackson verdict to come in. We expect massive riots in my town when the verdict is read. Fortunately, it's expected that the rioters (Michael supporters) won't be able to throw bricks hard enough to actually break any windows. We anticipate the massive protest march will be choreographed by Bob Fosse.
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
I Can't Sleep!
I know people at work who show up at 6am every day and leave at 7pm and complain about having to work too hard. Me, I don't do that. Maybe if I was real smart and thought my employer really needed me, maybe. But I figure any extra hours I put in are just another chance I'll mess something up.
Why am I writng about this? Cause I can't sleep or think of anything else! Wait, go visit to see whatever happened to all of your favorite 15 minute of fame folks. There, I'm done.
Monday, June 06, 2005
It's Official...
To provide further evidence I stayed up late last night hoping to pull the Lady Vols softball team by Michigan. I gave up after 10 innings only to find out they won in 11 innings this morning. I stayed up late watching women's softball.
Next up, summer crotchet classes and sensitivity training.
Friday, June 03, 2005
Weekly Tanka Wrapup...
Ed White took a walk outside
Gemini 4.
First American to be
his own personal spaceship.
Other news....Go Lady Vols in the College World Series! Yesterday they cranked out their first win and boy that sure helps to get off to a good start.
Other female news includes the first ever (136 years) UT female drum major. Wow, these women are taking over the world. And so much for my predicition that Danica Patrick would crash at the Indy 500 in the first three laps. She didn't do too bad. Can you name the winner? Didn't think so.
Sad news of the day...Ian Hunter of Mott the Hoople turns 66. (All the way from Memphis!)
Thursday, June 02, 2005
We Missed the Point...
But it occured to me that the most important part of that quote came first which was "fire faster!". The don't give up the ship part was just a little icing. What he really, really wanted was for them to FIRE FASTER Dadgummitt! Faster!
I dunno, it was just a random odd thought of mine.... I think we immortalized the wrong part of the quote...
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Congratulations to you!
I even heard David Letterman comment to a guest the other night that he (David) was wearing the guests state colors cause he had on an orange tie. The guest was from Memphis. She cringed a little but didn't correct him or offer any explanation of Tiger High.
So Congratulations on your birthday today Big Orange. Thanks for sending Davy Crockett and Sam Houston down our way to help create Texas. We gave you back fajitas, enchiladas, another orange UT, and the two-step.
Gimme a "T" for Texas, a "T" for Tennessee....(I forget the rest of the song...)
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Saw Roger Clemens Pitch!
Oh well. It was Major League Baseball anyway. At least half of it....
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Poor Sidney....
My favorite newspaper in those parts is the West Yellowstone News. It's a very small town right outside of the park itself. It has a very nice Crime Log section in the paper. Someone frequently hits a buffalo (excuse me..BISON), or a snowmobile, or a saloon. Generally, people are drunk and lost. Occasionally a real crime happens (usually theft of a snowmobile or a bison).
You should check it out occasionally, or refer me to your favorite crime log. I miss the old Daily Beacon logs, that was my favorite part of the Beacon (especially when somebody you knew was in it....).
Friday, May 27, 2005
The week in Tanka...
Bo Bice was clearly robbed.
Who really cares much?
I'm on to a better show,
Have you seen Britney and Kev?
Thursday, May 26, 2005
The fix is in...
The big news around these parts is that the Astros won their third (out of 24) road game of the year. Whoopee! One game away from the world series last year, 12 games out of first place in May this year. First to worst in a year. The 3rd worst road record since 1900 in the major leagues. Wow. And I have tickets for Monday's game!
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
News Flash: Arkansas man puts his bid in to be the next Otis....
Yesterday a 38 year old Arkansas man was riding in the passenger seat of his pickup (he had asked a buddy to drive because he was drunk, so he's not totally stupid), when his cigarette flew out of his mouth out the window. He stepped out of the vehicle to retrieve his cigarette....unfortunately they were doing about 60mph at the time.
Emergency room folks said he was lucky, and only scraped up a bit. No word on whether his first words after coming to were "I need a beer".
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Let the Games Begin....
1. They have a chance with him and are picking him over me...or..
2. I have a chance with them and am getting passed over...or
3. I really care who they drool over...
4. I really care enough to actually vote.
It's just spite. Besides, Carrie is pretty cute, so that's enough reason to vote for her. So, to anyone at work who asks, and drools over Bo, I'm gonna vote for Carrie. On two phones. On speed dial.
For everybody else, who would you vote for if you actually cared enough to watch, and (Help You!) cared enough to spend time calling a phone number that wasn't actually connected to anything?
So who is it? Bo or Carrie?
Monday, May 23, 2005
Both saturday and sunday were record highs with 96 being tops. That's not too bad for July, but a little toasty for May. Especially when you are umping a little league game with full umpire gear on at 1:00 in the afternoon.
But as we always say down here, you don't have to scrape off heat off your windshield in the morning.
OK, enough weather crap. Real reporting resumes tomorrow....
Friday, May 20, 2005
New Poetry Style This Week...
Kenny Chesney won,
Married a girl from Houston.
Episode 3 out.
Two left on Idol, boy/girl,
Too much TV for normal.
Thursday, May 19, 2005
I'm so sleepy...
Yep, at midnight last night I was one of the first nerds in to see "Revenge of the Stitch, Star Wars Episode 3". I don't want to give away the plot but Annanova Skyscraper turns into the evil asthma guy during the movie. Carrie Fischer is out of drug rehab and running the Empire again. Luke Skyscraper and Chewingtobacca the big hairy fella have fallen in love. R2D2 has been upgraded and now runs on open source Linux.
C3PO got left out in the rain and rusted. Yoda was only 600 years old during this episode but still had lots of wrinkles. In a real surprise, Jabba the Hut was dating Natalie Portman.
I've probably revealed too much. I hope I didn't spoil the movie for you. I'm going to take a nap.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
On this day....
In 1980, Mount St. Helens erupted. Millions of people on the east coast finally learned that there is another "Washington".
And last night, Country Music star Kenney Chesney won entertainer of the year at the Country Music Awards.
Question #1: How does a Jimmy Buffett clone win country music's highest award? His winning song talked about having sand between your toes and then having to go back home to Cleveland. I never heard Hank Williams talk about sand, and I don't thing George Jones has ever been to Cleveland. At least not that he can remember.
Question #2: Where did they get the dolt that introduced Kenney, then can't even pronounce where he's from? I had to rewind my TIVO to understand what he said. He pronounced the place as "Luh-TREL" with the emphasis on the second syllable, not " LUH-truhl" like anybody who's ever been there knows it is. It's spelled Luttrel, even though most people from their can't spell. Maybe Luttrel is working on a new upscale image.
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Mars Rover back at it...
What I can't say is who helped it get unstucked. It got towed and we are thankful, but hopeful they are friendly. I wonder what a towing charge on Mars is?
Other big news includes Continental Airlines putting in a direct flight to Houston from Chattanooga Tennessee! Woohoo! Chattanoogians can now fly to Houston without stopping in Atlanta or Dallas! Woohoo! There are a total of 6 direct flight from "CHA" now. You can fly non-stop to...Nashville...Atlanta...Dallas...Houston....Topeka...Akron....and the Tri-Cities (maybe that counts as three?).
Question: If you had a ticket for three people departing from Chattanooga would it be the "Cha Cha Cha"?
Monday, May 16, 2005
You know you are old when....
Only 81 more days til the premier of the movie "Dukes of Hazzard". Rumour has it the premier will feature a huge biscuits and gravy buffet feast, a turkey shoot, and some pickin' and grinnin' later. Appearances from HeeHaw veterans is planned. Junior Samples, Grandpa Jones, Homer and Jethro, and especially Buck Owens and the Buckaroos. No word yet on whether Porter Waggoner will be able to attend.
Friday, May 13, 2005
Thursday, May 12, 2005
You beat me to it...
In other news....
Newsweek aanounced the top 1,000 high schools in the United States this week. Looking through the list I found no mention of "Chattanooga City", "Carter", or "Millington". Not to mention "South-Doyle", "Doyle" or "South" whichever it is these days.
I did see "Clear Lake" come in at number 729. That's right up the road from "Clear Creek" which is where my brood will go. Not to be confused with "Clear Brook", further up the road, or the new high school "Clear River" that's under construction. Clever naming scheme huh?
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
On the road again
I'm in Albuquerque for a couple of days getting my turqoise fix. Lots of
history, lots of native american pottery, lots of homeless people hanging
out. Its an odd sort of place.
I haven't heard of any really weird news from east tenn lately which means
you ae due. Expect a strange story in the next 3 days. It will involve
1. A trailer park
2. A stepdad
3. A meth lab
4. Pigs
5. Magnolia avenue
6. Chattanooga police
Any combination of three of the above qualifies.