When I get lazy I post pictures cause I don't have to write anything. I just have to pretend they have "some reason" to be there.
Yesterday we saw launch of the space shuttle, then went to the beach. Last night we saw fireworks on the beach. It was kind of an all american 4th. It would only have been better if we'd had hot dogs on the beach. We did have pulled pork fron sonny's bar-b-q so that was the next best thing.
Saw launch today from a fifth floor balcony at the vehicle assembly bldg at the cape. Was nervous til t minus 31 seconds then I knew we were going. It was beautiful.
No launch on saturday. Today we went on the bus but by the time we got to our spot we just turned around and came home. Way too many clouds today. Looks like we'll try on July 4th for the third time. That sounds like a winner. I keep thinking that the odds are getting better and better each attempt. Keeping my fingers crossed.