Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Idol Hands are the Devils Workshop....

Tonight is the big sex expose' on Primetime Live about American Idol star Paula Abdul, and one of the former contestants who got kicked off.

A couple of things make me ponder hard. First, why Paula Abdul? She just ain't that cute. Sure, she's a former Laker girl, but have you looked at the Laker's record lately? Not impressed.

Second, if'n you really did have sex with the judge, how come you didn't win the contest? If I was going to compromise all of my ethical principles (I make it sound like a big deal don't I?) I would want to make sure that it was actually worth something. It would kinda be like being on Fear Factor, eating a bunch of Argentina Beetle Slugs for $50,000, then puking and having to refund the money. Just not really worth it.

But then again, I'm no runaway bride.....

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