Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Mars Rover back at it...

One of our two Mars Rovers (remember those dudes?) had been stuck in Mars mud for a while. It's a little like Georgia red clay. The good news is it got unstuck and is roving again!

What I can't say is who helped it get unstucked. It got towed and we are thankful, but hopeful they are friendly. I wonder what a towing charge on Mars is?

Other big news includes Continental Airlines putting in a direct flight to Houston from Chattanooga Tennessee! Woohoo! Chattanoogians can now fly to Houston without stopping in Atlanta or Dallas! Woohoo! There are a total of 6 direct flight from "CHA" now. You can fly non-stop to...Nashville...Atlanta...Dallas...Houston....Topeka...Akron....and the Tri-Cities (maybe that counts as three?).

Question: If you had a ticket for three people departing from Chattanooga would it be the "Cha Cha Cha"?

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